The Case of Istria more. Publication Date: Publication Name: Teodolinda. Convegni 2, Milano-Spoleto. Istria under the Carolingian Rule proofs more. Dzino, A. Milošević, T. Karlolingische Renovatio. Architektur und Bauausstattung im Alpen-Adria-Raum more. Volume: 1 Publication Date: Publication Name: Vom spätantiken Erbe zu den Anfängen der Romanik ed.
Lübke, M. Hardt , Handbuch zur Geschichte der Kunst in Ostmitteleuropa eds. Fajt , W. Franzen , Band 1. The Artistic Heritage of Croatia more. Art History , History of Art , and History of architecture. Fortified settlements in Carolingian Istria more. Defended Communities of the 8thth Centuries, N. Christie, H. Herold eds. Umjetnička baština Hrvatske more. Publication Date: Publication Name: Hrvatska na prvi pogled ed. Udier, FF press Zagreb Art History and History of Art. Monumentalni pejsaž Novigrada nekoć i sad - Il paesaggio monumentale di Cittanova nel passato e nel presente more.
The monumental Landscape of Novigrad in the Past and Present more.
Umjetnik u vremenu renesanse with A. L'artiste a la Renaissance with A. More Info: eds. Erlande Brandenburg, M. Les Anjou et les territoires Croates more. Alba e tramonto di regni e imperi. Catalogue of the exhibition. Il regno croato tra due Imperi altomedievali more. Arhitektura karolinškog doba more.
Rasprave i vrela, Exhibition catalogue, Split. Aufbruch ins Mittelalter. Gli Slavi sul Mediterraneo more. L'Italia e la costruzione dell'Europa di Carlo Magno, exhibition catalogue. Croats i carolingis. Franački utjecaj na konstituiranje crkvene umjetnosti u Hrvatskoj, u : Etnogeneza Hrvata — Frankish influence on the constitution of religious art in Croatia more. Budak ed. Preromanesque and Romanesque more. Medieval Studies and Middle Ages.
Vladimir's Readings II. Transformacije povijesnog pejzaža Kvarnerskih otoka između antike i ranog srednjeg vijeka more. Quo vadis Late Antiquity. Quo vadis Middle Ages? Case Study of Rab, Croatia more.
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Les voies Adriatiques : transferts des formes, fonctions et idées en Dalmatie au Xième siècle more. Quando il monumento diventa documento. Una bottega lapicida del Quarnero more. Contributi in onore di Gian Pietro Brogiolo per il suo settentesimo compleanno. Un raro motivo iconografico sulla scultura altomedievale - i senmurv di Arbe e Neviđane more. In this paper the author deals with a fragmented early medieval altar screen slab from Rab Croatia. The focus of the analysis is a very rare motif in early medieval sculpture that has been identified - the senmurv.
After giving a After giving a comparative analysis, the author adds the slab from Rab to the opus of the stone carving workshop called "The Master of the Zadar Ambos", dating it at the very beginning of the 9th century.
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More Info: Ed. Jurković, P. Benediktinska opatija sv. Petra u Osoru — arheološka istraživanja Srednjovjekovno fortificirano naselje Guran — od karolinškog castruma do ruralnog naselja : dinamika mikroregionalnog razvoja more. Journal Name: Peristil Publication Date: Između antike i romanike — pedeset godina poslije more.
Le portail de Saint-Pierre d'Osor more. The use of specific motifs and the composition of the arch The use of specific motifs and the composition of the arch above the portal is comparable to the facade decoration of the church in Pomposa and other sculptures in Venice, Torcello, Ravenna, thus suggesting workshop connections in the upper Adriatic in the 11th c. Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Pierre Caillet. La construction entre Saône et Po autour de l'an mil. Etudes comparatives. Actes du colloque international de Baume-les Messieurs et Saint-Claude, juin , dir. Vergnolle, S.
Bully , Besançon. The authors deliver a short history of the project Corpus architecturae religiosae europeae IV-X saec. Not only will the corpus be an unified catalogue of all European late antique and early medieval ecclesiastical buildings, and thus a comprehensive working tool for the standardization of data, providing plans to a uniform model, but it will also attempt in the synthesis volumes to interpret treir function and meaning and the relationship between the different churches in each area.
In this way, the corpus will be a first step towards new research on Christian architecture and a starting point from which to develop different new interpretations. The first results are reported, such as the chronological framework, the catalogue form, and the structure of the volumes. This article gives the current state of the art of the Corpus architecturae religiosae europeae IV-X saec. These Early Christian and Pre-Romanesque churches have been studied in Croatia since the end of the 19th cent.
As in the other countries involved in the project, work is progressing at various speeds. Commande, production et réception de l'œuvre d'art. Mélanges en hommage à Xavier Barral i Altet.
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La Croatie médiévale : état des lieux more. Publication Date: Publication Name: Archéologie du son. Les dispositifs de pots acoustiques dans les édifices anciens dir.

Palazzo-Bertholon, J-C. Valière , Supplément au Bulletin monumental n. Skice za teorijska promišljanja ranosrednjovjekovne umjetnosti more. Kaštelina na otoku Rabu - od rimske vile do ranobizantske utvrde more. Utvrda sv.
Military Architecture , Late Antiquity , Fortifications , Byzantine cities, castles, fortresses , Late Roman and early Byzantine fortifications , and 3 more Early Byzantine Archaeology , Early byzantine architecture , and 6th century Adriatic Early Byzantine Archaeology , Early byzantine architecture , and 6th century Adriatic. Heating system in the ancient world: the example of the southwestern Balneum in Diocletian's palace in Split more. A contribution to the opus of Split stonecarvers' workshop from the late 8th century Key words: Split stonecarvers' workshop, 8th century, sculpture, John of Ravenna During the research and conservation work in the Cathedral of A contribution to the opus of Split stonecarvers' workshop from the late 8th century Key words: Split stonecarvers' workshop, 8th century, sculpture, John of Ravenna During the research and conservation work in the Cathedral of Split in and , two early medieval altar screen slabs cut in marble were discovered in the pavement of the choir Figg.
Both slabs show a double motif of a cross under an arcade that is flanked by trees of life in the lower part and rosettes in the upper part. The slabs were immediately related to similar ones in Split and its surroundings. However, those links turned out to be only generic similarities of the compositional scheme. The analysis of details of specific elements regarding carving methods shows that both slabs have no analogies in Split and its closer surroundings.
Therefore, even the smallest detail becomes important in the attempt to determine the origin of the slabs, i. Particularly important in this regard is the detail of the cross—rosette with bloomed arms Fig. It is completely identical to one of the rosettes on a marble slab with cassettes Fig.
Crossed lilies are the basic motif on the reliefs from Split, entirely subordinated to the geometrical principle. Apart from the slab with cassettes and the sarcophagus of Archbishop John Fig. Both afore—mentioned chapels form a part of the interior of the Split Cathedral. We propose to assign the altar screen slabs that were discovered in the choir of the Split Cathedral to the same workshop. This is proven by specific details such as the identical cross—rosette, the use of identical groups of motifs cross—rosette, multi—petal and whirlpool rosette , carving details like the hook, the diamond—shaped endings of the lilies and trees Figg.
The sculptors of the Split workshop had therefore various patterns in their repertoire and were not limited to the repeating motif with crossed lilies or its combinations with rosettes of different types. After further comparative analysis, several other sculptures were also assigned to the workshop, so that there is a total of ten works by this workshop so far. These are, apart from the afore—mentioned ones, three fragments of pilasters belonging to an altar screen Fig. All these reliefs are connected to the Split Cathedral or its direct surrounding the sarcophagus was intended for its affiliated Church of St.
Up to now, there are no recognizable stone sculptures by this workshop outside the immediate surroundings of Split. In discussing the chronology of the works of the Split workshop, we should in the first place emphasize that two of the motifs it uses have their origin in the North Adriatic region. These decorative elements can be firmly dated to the last quarter of the 8th c. Both afore—mentioned details are found on the ciborium of Bishop Mauritius from Novigrad in Istria Fig.
It was affirmed before that this ciborium was commissioned from a workshop stationed in Cividale, unlike all the other sculpture of the Novigrad Cathedral, carved at the same time. A number of sculptures belonging to the cathedral are truly superb work and show a resemblance to contemporary sculptures in Rome Figg. It is quite possible that the Carolingian conquest of Istria involved the sending of sculptors to this region as well, hand in hand with political, military and ecclesiastical influence.
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That diplomatic interest for Istria is evident in the letter written by Pope Adrian to Charlemagne concerning the destiny of Bishop Mauritius, sent to Istria by the Pope himself, but molested and persecuted by the locals. On the other hand, the possible connections of the reliefs from Split with Rome are also supported by similarities with roman sculpture from that period, for ex.
It can be linked to an early phase of its furnishing commissioned at the turn of the 9th century. Other compositions could bear witness to this process, too — the architraves of altar screen composed of a central epigraphic zone flanked by decorative zones, a mannerism which can be found in works of the Trogir workshop, as well as little earlier in Split.